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Our culture is defined with one word, "Ownership".

Taking Ownership. 

As a technology-focused engineering and project management company, we're always pushing boundaries and searching for the next advantage for our customers. Adah is a "safe zone" where mistakes are treated as opportunities to learn - never excuses for blame. Taking ownership of mistakes and learning how to diagnose, fix and prevent future mistakes is all that's important. 

Thinking Like an Owner. 

At Adah, we embrace "Intrepreneurship" where each team member is encouraged to approach and execute tasks from the perspective of our customers. In other words, we're always concentrating on the return on investment (ROI) for our services. 

"If we do these two things, "Take Ownership and "Think Like an Owner" for each other and for our customers, everyday, all else will fall into place."

-Kirk Atkinson, Founder, Adah International 

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